When you open your armoire, closet or drawers, does it's blandness get you down?? Do you feel like you are staring into a dark pit of "meh"?? (Don't worry, I am not about to start an advertisement for furniture anti-depressants...) I don't know about you all, but I like to feel a bit jolted and stoked when I open a cupboard door. My faux, fawn hide wallpaper is such a delightful eye treat every morning, I kinda wanna wallpaper or mural every cupboard and closet in my home. It adds the perfect amount of sass to the French armoire I brought home from Europe.
This is part two to my espresso bar armoire redo, in case you were wondering what I am jabbering about. You can read about it and see some other "before" and "afters" by clicking here.
This is the stink-face I made when I opened my armoire before the redo...
In case you forgot what this armoire looked liked before I adorned it with a gorgeous wall-paper from Walls Republic, check out this photo below...
Madame Brun Armoire was a frumpy lady indeed!
I decided I wanted to wallpaper the back, but I surely didn't want to mess with the integrity of this gorgeous old piece... While this wallpaper is classic and timeless, I change my style on occasion and I didn't want to mess with the wood on the back panels. The best way to do this was to create a removable, pop-in back wall, that I could switch out or replace any time my heart desired. I also want to be able to get other wallpapers from the incredible selection at Walls Republic so I can swap out the backdrop for different purposes or entertaining occasions. I may want this to be a wine bar or hide-away Bier Garten at my next dinner party and can swap the backdrops in and out accordingly! I also wanted it to be able to slide into place and sit still without, nailing, drilling, gluing or screwing a back panel in my armoire.
Lucky for me, my friendl Drew (a super awesome and talented construction project manager) came to the rescue and helped me figure out a way to accomplish this goal! What a wizard he is indeed! We created this template below, using old bags, and traced the top of the inside of the armoire.
We traced that pattern onto a piece of wood that was 4'x8' and 1/16" thick and cut it out with a jig-saw.
We slid it in and made adjustments till if fit like a glove....
I mounted the wallpaper to the wood with spray adhesive and wrapped it around the back, so that the edges wouldn't lift. I popped it in, slid the shelf in and Bam! Shazaam! Kapow! I now had a gorgeous, wall-papered armoire!
In case you forgot what it looked like before.....
.....and here it is now!
I am completely IN LOVE!
Next, I will be sharing with you how I installed my chandelier and where I hid all my cords to my espresso machine and light fixture! To read more on the transformation of this armoire, click here!
I want to thank Walls Republic for the fabulous paper and Drew for helping me make it happen!
Stay tuned my friends!