Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Meet My Mantle-O

For me, there is nothing more dramatic than an over-the-top mantle or fireplace in a dining room. It reminds me of the how things used to be in days gone by. It is so romantic to have an abundance of candlelight flickering while you eat dinner and enjoy a glass of wine or three with friends. When I rented out the old barn, I knew I needed a mantle in the dining space. This room called for a mantle. We also wanted to have a piece that we could bring home to The States when we are forced to leave this gorgeous land of Duetches. The best thing about a mantle is you can bring it everywhere you go and you have the "feel" of having an elaborate fireplace in any room we choose and in whatever home or homes we live in next. Being with the military we need things that are portable but also help make our rental feel like a home. 
I teased you all with this little snippet of our mantle below, and then left you hanging for two months while life stepped in and got in the way of things... Oh, silly life. 

Here is a reminder of what our space looked like prior to having our dream mantle. We have since moved our dresser to our striped hall and have done a fun, new arrangement with that!

Don't you think the wall on the left is crying in pain for a dramatic mantle??!!! WAAAAA!
I will show you a full room shot with the mantle in it once I change a few more details that I have in store for this space.

Meet my Mantle...Mr Barry Mantle-o (let's see how many people get that reference). 

Because our bleached-out and scuffed up wooden mantle was a similar color to our cream wall, and I am too lazy to paint that massive wall for our last (less than a) year here, we painted the small wall behind it charcoal grey to make the woodwork pop! It reminds me of the bleached-out wood from Restoration Hardware. This FABULOUS mantle originally came from European Country Living (for those of you in The States, there is one in VA) and they originally scored this piece from England. I am pretty darn in love and have been wanting one like this for years.
Mantles can be filled with anything...candles (obviously), flowers, stacked books, lanterns, and the list goes on. I encourage everyone to get one for their home. It is perfect for seasonal decorating, too. I am looking forward to doing it up for the holidays.

Here is a phone shot of my dining room from a little breakfast I put on!

If you are on a budget, check out how we made the mantle in our living room (below) for absolutely free! Click here to check out the tutorial! By the way, do like our smiling luggage? 
Are you as gushy over mantles as I am??? Alright, folks, I am off to watch some stupid, mindless TV and zone out for a bit...


  1. Wow what an amazing improvement. What's it made out of?

    1. Thank you so much Brittany!! It is made of wood! I think it would look awesome in a coastal room! Thank you so much for stopping by! xo

  2. The mantle is fabulous. You styled it beautifully. I too love changing up my mantles periodically. Have a great Tuesday.

    1. Ron, that is such a massive compliment coming from someone with your talent... Thank you so much, friend! I hope you are having a gorgeous day!! xo

  3. That mantel is a fabulous find! Just perfect and perfectly accessorized :)

    1. Thank you Miss Patricia! I want your mantle too!! I can't wait to see how you do your fireplace in your new home!!

  4. Yes, totally amazing! Love every detail about your space!

    Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

    1. Thank you so much, Angela!! That is so sweet of you! You totally made my day!

  5. Love the gray! Looks amazing - and I too am a lover of mantels!
    P.S. - love your shorter do!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Kelly!! I really appreciate both compliments! You made my day!! Have a gorgeous day! xo

  6. Oh my Molly now that is one amazing piece and a true treasure. I would be beside myself to have a piece like that!

    1. Thank you so much, Pamela! I have been wanting this piece for over a year and a half and have been shaking in my boots that I finally got it! It is so hard to score mantles over here...it's kind of shocking! Have a gorgeous day, my friend!!

  7. Makes me want to get up and work on mine!

    1. Oh yes!! Let me know how it goes! I bet it will be gorgeous!

  8. oh Molly, why do you torture me so? LOL....I need you to come and do my house!!!! Just in love with your style!!!! Liebe Gruesse nach Deutschland! Christine from Little Brags

    1. Thank you so much sweet, Christine!! your words warm my heart!! I hope you have an incredibly blessed day!!! xo

  9. Love the mantel and adore the pillow :) So talented!!

  10. Hi Holly, I am thinking about painting our Family room and I love the greyish accent wall you show here in Germany. Do you happen to remember the color name??? christinevandorm@gmail.com

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Thanks for the lovely comments! Each and everyone means so much to me! xo

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