Monday, December 2, 2013

Glühwein/ Vin Chaud/ Glögg Recipe and Bar

One of the many fabulous things about Christmas in Europe, is all the spectacular Christmas Markets. They are unlike anything you could ever experience in The States, like out of an overly staged Christmas movie, but real.
Trier Christmas Market 2012

 They have delectable food, warm spiced wine, and handmade goods. They smell of roasted chestnuts, candy, Nutella crepes and deliciously grilled meats. The flavor that is most incredible and is my personal favorite, is Glühwein, in France, Vin Chaud and in the Nordic countries, Glögg. This hot, mulled wine is most welcomed on a snowy winter's day. Mulled wine dates back to before Christ, when people added spices and herbs to help with the flavor of wine and to add health benefits. I love the sound of wine being healthy for you, ha! Each country has its own version of it and I like to blend all of them to make a version of my own.

I know these strange words can get a little confusing so I made a picture chart to visually explain the difference

Since I make a blend of Glühwein/ Vin Chaud/ Glögg frequently, I thought I would convert my coffee bar into a place for guests to add extra spices, sweetness and fruit to jazz their wine up according to their tastes. This is not a traditional recipe but are some suggestions and recommendations of things to put in yours at home. Play around with it and make it your own! 

You will want to heat up a bottle of inexpensive (expensive is not needed since you will be adding so many flavors) red or white wine. I like to use a half dry or semi sweet wine. Like sangria, both red and white taste different yet wonderful. It is also fantastic made with champagne or prosecco! You will want to heat it in a crock pot, simmer it on low, or place it in a metal bowl within a pot of heated water, so you don't burn off the alcohol. If you aren't a drinker... heat away!  I like to make it lightly sweetened and spiced then let guests add more sweetness and spices according to their taste preferences. When I make it for myself, I throw in a ton of the goodies listed below.

Basic Additions:
- A cinnamon stick or two
- A few cloves (4-6 is a good amount)
- Slices of oranges (peeled)
-A cup or two of pineapple orange juice (not needed but extra yummy)
- A Bay Leaf
-A few tablespoons of sugar (sweeten to taste)
- About 6 Cardamom pods

More Additions
- 1-2 Star of Anise  (this is common in French Vin Chaud)
- Raisins and or figs (common in Nordic Glögg) Oh umlauts... I love you.
-Almonds (also common in Glögg)
-The zest of a lemon or orange
-Vanilla pods
-A shot of liqueur 

You will strain it out through a cheesecloth or drink as is if you are in a hurry to chug-a-lug this epic holiday elixir!

It is absolutely DELISH when topped off with Amaretto! 
While the name Glühwein or Glögg is a bit frumpy, the flavor is nothing short of angelic.

I serve my mulled wine with a cinnamon stir stick and garnish it with a slice of orange. 
Try your own blend and let me know how it goes!!! I would love to hear what combination you use! 

To get more holiday ideas, click on the seasonal box in the right hand column of my blog or click here!

Alrighty, I am off to get my gluhwein on!


  1. Mmm, I love mulled wine. Your beautiful set-up would make it even more delicious!

    1. Isn't mulled wine just the best??? Thank you so much for your sweet compliment!! I hope you are having a blessed day!! xo

  2. That looks so yummy! I adore the way you displayed it :)

    1. Awww thank you so much! It is so yummy! I hope you are enjoying your first week of Dec!! Crazy!!

  3. I love your blog and your style! Even though I don't drink, this would be a fun idea for a mocktail party, with some apple cider, or hot chocolate. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes!!! I should make a mocktail version! I know if you boil the wine for about an hour the alcohol cooks off. You can also make it with cider and pineapple orange juice... I believe. You will also add all the spices etc... I will make some and let you know!

  4. i love this!! I am going to email this post to my neighbor who is German and is missing home. She will love it. Can't wait to see your house all decked out!!!!

    1. Oh thank you so much!!! Yes I will definitely miss it at the markets when we are forced to leave Germany :) Thanks for the sweet words you are always so encouraging! xo

  5. Yay, it's wonderful to have Glühwein here, right? ;)
    But I'm not really a fan of the christmas markets… although I understand, why so many people love them, as a lot of the markets are "historically" and really nice things and food is sold. But, they are SO crowded, there is no way I can truly enjoy that - sadly :(
    Wish you an awesome German Advent…
    Love, Midsommarflicka

    1. Oh I totally get that! I love them because compared to American festivals and fairs they are just so classy! The decorations are unreal and it is just so magical having a party around all that old architecture. I must say the accordion music and club jazz being played on the streets isn't too shabby either :)

    2. Yeah, it seems that we Germans really know what we're doing with all the christmas markets… I have family in the Netherlands and most of them come once a year to a German christmas market ;) Although the Dutch now have started to build christmas markets based on the model of the Germans!

  6. Keep us updated, looking forward for more posts you will make. Many thanks

  7. Great job for publishing such a nice article. Its useful for us. Thanks a lot


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